Old Fashioned

Always in fashion.
4 cl Kyrö Malt rye whisky
2 dashes Angostura Bitters
1 sugar cube
Soda water
Orange peel
Place the sugar cube in a glass. Wet it down with Angostura bitters and a short splash of soda. Crush the sugar with a wooden muddler, then rotate the glass so that the sugar grains and bitters give it a lining. Add ice and pour in the whisky. Garnish with an orange twist.
Cocktail history lesson part 1
It's hardly ever a good idea to mix alcohol with politics but with Old Fashioned the two kind of go together.
The story of Old Fashioned started in Louisville, Kentucky where man named James E. Pepper is said to have invented the drink while working as a bartender in a private social club. Later on he moved to New York, the city of dreams and the recipe came to life at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel bar.
Year is 1880. Besides a certain Mr. Pepper making history, the 25th mayor of New York (Samuel Tilden if you must know the name) withdraws from the United States Presidential election and celebrates the event with "hot-whiskies, Scotch and Irish, particularly the latter, sour-mashes, and old-fashioned cocktails" according to The Chicago Daily Tribune.
And until today we seem to love drinking whisky in an Old Fashioned way. It has been named the best cocktail by professionals for years. Only we prefer ours with Finnish rye whisky.