Salmon gravlax with rye gin

What's that one dish that makes everyone take another portion and there's never enough? Try making gravlax with rye gin and you'll know what we are talking about.

A super easy recipe, yet such a tasty dish that works as an appetizer for get-togethers, parties, or as a special occasion starter. Finns also love to eat gravlax with rye bread. Experiment with flavours and try different variations. Here are a few to start with.

Salmon gravlax with rye gin

800 g rainbow trout or salmon fillet

4 cl rye gin

1 tablespoon granulated sugar

4 tablespoons coarse sea salt

Dried juniper berries

Fresh rosemary

Do this

Rinse and dry the fish fillet. Lay salmon, skin-side down. Sprinkle rye gin, sugar, and salt on the surface. Season with fresh rosemary and dried juniper berries. Wrap tightly in foil and allow to set in the cold (fridge) for 1.5-2 days. Slice thinly. Serve as you wish.

Pink Gin and rhubarb marinated salmon

4 cl rye gin

1 tablespoon granulated sugar

4 tablespoons coarse sea salt

Fresh rhubarb (sliced)

Fresh rosemary

Do this

Rinse and dry the fish fillet. Lay salmon, skin-side down. Sprinkle rye pink gin, sugar, and salt on the surface. Season with rhubarb and fresh rosemary. Wrap tightly in foil and allow to set in the cold (fridge) for 1.5-2 days. Cut thin slices. Serve as you wish.